Marc Abrahams Theatre Museum at the Court Theatre, Christiansborg Ridebane 18, CPH 13.11.19 19:25 - 21:30 Ig Nobel Prizes: First laugh, then think
Hans-Jørgen Albrechtsen Litteraturhuset i Nybrogade 28, KBH 22.10.19 19:25 - 21:30 The water we drink and use
Søren Keiding Literature House, Nybrogade 28, CPH 25.09.19 19:25 - 21:30 Water - the strangest substance
Flemming Ekelund Litteraturhuset i Nybrogade 28, KBH 06.06.19 19:25 - 21:30 Earth and what lives therein
Anja C. Andersen Litteraturhuset i Nybrogade 28, KBH 21.03.19 19:25 - 21:30 The formation of the solar system