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Kvinder venter i Guinea-Bissau
Magnus Nortoft
Women and children waiting outside a vaccination center in Guinea-Bissau.

Vaccines and mortality

Professor Peter Aaby has been studying morbidity and vaccines in Guinea Bissau for more than 40 years. His research has repeatedly challenged the established knowledge about the effects of vaccines. His recent research has some surprising conclusions and a vision for a new picture of health.

In 1978, Peter Aaby set up a research station Bandim Health Project in Guinea-Bissau. Since then, the station has been collecting data on the Guinean population for Health research.

The story of Peter Aaby and his research is the subject of the plot in Sissel-Jo Gazan's science fiction book The Arc of the Swallow (Svalens graf) from 2013. Listen to the podcast and read the book.

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