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a director of an orchestra
Cindy Lim
Honorary Conductor of Copenhagen Phil Lan Shui and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Mannheim Rosengarten, May 2016

The spinal cord's role is more important than previously thought

Could movement be controlled by the brain, as the conductor controls an orchestra? Research results show how the control of movement and muscles is largely handled by the neurons of the spinal cord. According to research leader Rune W. Berg, we must increasingly see the control over our muscle mass as a distributed system, where the local network of neurons has an important role.

Science Journalist Jens Degett interviews Associate Professor Rune Berg from the Department of Neuroscience of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH. The Berg Lab "combines quantitative approaches of mathematics and physics with experiments using electrophysiology, genetics, tissue clearing and other biological tools to better understand the nervous system especially the motor system".

Berg Lab's research results are receiving increased international attention, such as the NATURE article.

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Listen to other stories of Rune Berg's research (in Danish):