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a calibration instrument
Mastcam-Z calibration target

Research, images and sound from Mars

Perseverance has landed, and right now Jesper Henneke from DTU-Space is sitting and looking at the first image from Mars, which the PIXL camera has taken with a dark cap for the camera lens.

In the next few months, there will be plenty of tests and trials to be conducted before scientists seriously set out to take samples from Mars' rocks and cliffs and examine them. Meanwhile, one can see real images from Mars' surface from the other cameras on the rover, and we already have the first sound from a wind that came by on Mars.

Science journalist Jens Degett from Science Stories talks to Ph.D. researcher Jesper Henneke from DTU-Space.

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Sound design: Anders Dio Poulsen

Read more about the calibration target developed at the Niels Bohr Institute: