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[Rerun] Fake news is a major threat to public health

The World Health Organisation warned in 2019 that misinformation in the media is one of the major threats to public health in the world. Information and debate about vaccines has long been a huge problem, and with the upcoming offers of mass vaccines against COVID-19, there will probably be something to talk about in the media.

In Denmark, the debate is about the HPV vaccine which has been heavily criticized. Several other vaccines have come into the spotlight when worried parents have to decide whether or not their children should be vaccinated.

To get closer to an understanding of the press coverage of vaccines, Jens Degett has allied himself with media researcher and journalist Gunver Lystbæk Vestergaard from Weekendavisen, and later they talk to Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen, Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Center for Science Studies at Aarhus University (in Danish).

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