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From Medical Student to Quantum Physicist

When Jens Degett met Sofie Lindskov Hansen at a conference on quantum technology in the spring of 2022, she told him that she had just finished her university education, and the next week she started work in a brand new private quantum technology company . He spoke to several other young people and what they had in common was that they had jobs or job offers before they graduated - and there were plenty of options that they could choose from.

The story is in stark contrast to the impression you often get when politicians refer to people with an academic education as "useless" and a burden on society. It is also an example of the need to take risks and invest in expensive experiments, because the risk of not participating in the new technologies is perhaps higher than if you wait and see what happens.

In this podcast, Science Journalist Jens Degett interviews Sofie Lindskov Hansen from Kvantify (in Danish).

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This podcast was produced with support from DM.